Barn Owl BANO
click here for auricular study
Barn Owl BANO juvenile
Taken in my yard on July 5th, coloration similar to adults, this juvenile
fledged from a nest in the front yard.
Barn Owl BANO
This is the tree that hosted our Barn Owl family, a California Desert Fan Palm.
The SANCTUARY sign was put up to stop the tree trimmers from ringing the doorbell.
One of many pellets found under the canopy, 1.625″ long.
Barn Owl BANO
I soaked the pellet in water and removed these gopher bones from the fur ball.
Barn Owl BANO
Various feathers I have found below the tree.
Barn Owl owlet
On May 11th I found an owlet beneath the tree. I took it to Liberty Wildlife.
Barn Owl BANO owlet
On May 16th I found a second owlet.
Barn Owl owlet
When I got to Liberty, Jan Miller, Animal Care Coordinator, brought out the previous week’s addition.
Barn Owl BANO
On May 27th the two additions are on the far left and far right of this photo taken by Jan.
Barn Owl BANO
On September 7th Liberty Wildlife gave me the opportunity to participate in the release of my owls.
Barn Owl BANO
Barn Owl BANO
Betty was the host for the site release and was given one of the birds for release.
There was a lot of adrenaline involved with the release.
Betty and I were pretty pumped up after the experience.
On May 28th the following year, I got a frantic call from Betty stating that one of the released owls was in a pine tree next to her home. SUCCESS!!!
Barn Owl BANO
After putting up a nest box a local bee colony moved in and built this.
Barn Owl BANO meatus and operculum
Barn Owl BANO sonus auricular
Barn Owl BANO barb spacing
Barn Owl BANO barb angle
Barn Owl BANO plucked auriculars placement
Barn Owl BANO plucked auriculars
Microscopy @ 50x 150x 300x proximal sonus auricular.
Distal and medial microscopy.Barn Owl BANO
Barn Owl BANO