Gila Butte Estates


Hello Gila Butte Estates residents

  • Planning and zoning
    • although a Chandler address, we are in a county island
    • our zoning is R1-35 Residential Unit Plan of Development RUPD 
    • This PDF shows our unique regulations: RUPD
    • RUPD authorization letter: RUPD letter
    • use this to zoom in on our community: MAP
    • 180517 zoning appeal: zoning appeal
    • search for building permit info by address: Maricopa Citizen Access
  • Irrigation
    • ask your neighbor for contact information to the organization
    • please engage a neighbor if you sign up and not in town for water
    • contact downstream (east to west flow) neighbors if you are a late sign-up
    • contact downstream (east to west flow) neighbors if you decline after sign-up
    • never never release water without a response from the next person to get water
    • please clean your ditch before each irrigation
    • please trim overhanging trees to allow access to the ditch
    • answer your phone on irrigation weekend
    • 3 8″ ports are less volume than 2 10″ ports
    • these are the latest by-laws: water bylaws
    • process letter: irrigating process
  • Home Owner’s Association
  • Updates
    • Development on NE corner of AZ Ave and Riggs: Cloud Rd and AZ Avenue
    • Add to this page or be updated when changes occur email me
    • All emails and additions to this page are confidential

Birds of Gila Butte Estates

240624 GBE storm

240624 GBE storm

240624 GBE storm

240624 GBE storm

991001 GBE storm damage

991001 GBE storm damage

010317 GBE aerial

010317 GBE aerial

021007 AZ Riggs

021007 AZ Riggs

050724 GBE storm

050724 GBE storm

051102 GBE LEO

051102 GBE LEO

080229 8 LB Bass

080229 8 LB Bass

081014 Sky Harbor

081014 Sky Harbor

110705 haboob

110705 haboob

160228 sign

160228 sign

