Common Black Hawk — COBH
Sibley’s indicates that the Common Black-Hawk is a rare bird found in woods along permanent streams.
The bird is found from Texas to Arizona.
Taken over the fish hatchery on 260 east of Payson, AZ in mid July.
This shot of a Common Black-Hawk juvenile is my favorite yardbird photograph.
Common Black Hawk COBH
Common Black Hawk COBH
Common Black Hawk COBH
For any birder, to get this opportunity is off the scale.
Just north of the valley was a beautiful nesting pair.
This is a male, bringing in a waterdog or tadpole to the nest.
A tadpole or waterdog is an indication of their hunting grounds.
The male brought in the food and gave it to the female for it to feed the brood.
Common Black Hawk nestling
A couple of months later I was excited to get these shots.
Common Black-Hawk juvenile
Common Black-Hawk juvenile
Common Black-Hawk
Common Black Hawk
Common Black Hawk